Increased Intestinal Permeability, or Leaky Gut Syndrome, is sort of a "stealth" disease as it can be very hard to properly diagnose, if you are not familiar with it. The symptoms of this disorder vary greatly and often times are treated as the medical condition, when in fact, they are a by-product of a larger problem.
Leaky Gut occurs when your intestinal lining become compromised due to inflammation. Bacteria, fungi, undigested food and such start to leak through your intestinal wall and into your bloodstream. Your body's immune system starts to kick in and fight these toxins. The end result is that your body starts to attack itself and you end up with an auto-immune disorder of one type or another.
The toxins are also still in your system and can pick an organ to move into. The symptoms vary from gas, cramps, diarrhea, heart burn and even constipation. When your body's immune system starts attacking, you may end up with an auto-immune disorder such as food allergies, kidney disease, acne, headaches, Candida, Fibromyalgia and arthritis. This is only a short list of auto-immune disorders that can happen from this condition.
Since your liver's function is to clean the blood it can be over-worked when you have bacteria and other toxins in your bloodstream. Eventually your liver will stop working properly if it continues to fight an uphill battle, such as this condition. If your liver is unsuccessful in cleaning the toxins out of your bloodstream, you are vulnerable to the possibility that more of the "bad bacteria" will continue to grow inside of you.
Your adrenal glands are in place to fight infection in your body. If you have too much bad bacteria battling your adrenal glands, they are vulnerable to exhaustion. If you sleep but don't feel revived, if you constantly feel over-tired, are incapable of concentrating or handling stress, this may be the reason why it is happening.
It is vital that you are properly diagnosed and get to the root of the problem causing your symptoms. The great news is that if the disorder is properly diagnosed, the treatment can commence and you can restore your health!
We need to make a disclaimer here. We are not medical professionals, just people wanting to share what we know. Do not use this information to self-diagnose. Find a medical professional who is very familiar with this health condition and have them diagnose you. This article is only meant to help you understand the condition so that you will take the right course of action.
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